Terms Of Use

This Terms of Use Agreement (the "Agreement") governs your use of the collection of Web pages (the “Website) and other proprietary digital content (the “SAH Resources”) available through the Society of Architectural Historians (“SAH”). URLs for those sites include www.sah.org, www.charnleyhouse.org  and www.charnleyperskyhouse.org

By using this site you agree to accept and be bound by the Terms and Conditions. SAH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify these Terms and Conditions, at any time, without prior notification and your continued use of this site constitutes your acceptance of any and all modifications. We encourage all Users to frequently review these Terms and Conditions.


Access to the SAH website is provided to SAH members and non members so that they can learn more and receive access to SAH resources, purchase SAH products, register for SAH events/programs, and interact with other SAH members/non members. SAH may provide you with a password to access certain resources, provided that you complete any required application process and provide accurate information in your membership information. You may use your password only to access the website in ways consistent with this Agreement — no other access to or use of the website, SAH resources, or SAH services is authorized. Further, you agree not to re-circulate or otherwise distribute your password to other people or organizations or to copy offsite any part of SAH’s resources without written permission. Please report any unauthorized use of your password promptly to info@sah.org. You acknowledge that you have read and understood SAH’s Privacy Policy and agree that SAH may collect, use, and distribute information pursuant to that policy. If you post comments or opportunities to SAH through the website, you grant SAH a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use that content.


The content displayed on this site, including but not limited to the design, images, illustrations, graphics, photography, text and audio and video clips, if applicable, are owned, licensed to , or used with permission of third parties by SAH, unless otherwise noted. Such content is subject to copyright, trademark, trade dress and other intellectual property rights owned by SAH, licensed to SAH or authorized for use by SAH on this site.

The content of this site is intended for personal, non commercial use only. No authorization is given to reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, transmit, download or create derivative works from any content on this site except as specifically permitted in these Terms of Use, without written permission from SAH.  

You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations, including intellectual property laws, in connection with your use of the SAH website. In particular, you certify that your use of any part of the SAH Resources will be in compliance  with US intellectual property laws and these Terms of Use. In using the SAH Site, Resources, and/or services, you further agree (a) not to violate anyone's rights of privacy, (b) not to act in any way that might give rise to civil or criminal liability, (c) not to use or attempt to use another person's password without their explicit consent, (d) not to collect or store personal data about anyone, (e)  not to interfere with the work of other Users  or SAH staff, servers, or resources, (f) not to transmit or facilitate the transmission of unsolicited email ("spam"), (g) not to harass, threaten, or otherwise annoy anyone, and (h) not to act in any way that might be harmful to minors, including, without limitation, transmitting or facilitating the transmission of child pornography, which is prohibited by federal law and may be reported to the authorities should it be discovered by SAH.


If you post comments or opportunities on the SAH Website, you agree to grant SAH a non-exclusive, royalty-free right to display and use this content.

You agree that we may contact you from time to time with surveys or other questions regarding your opinions about and uses of SAH, as well as with information we believe may be of interest to you. In addition, we request that, according to standard academic practice, if you use the SAH Resources or the SAH Website for any research that results in an article, a book, or other publication, you list the SAH resource or website as a resource in your bibliography.


SAH may immediately terminate this Terms of Use Agreement  at any time upon written notice (including via email) to you if it determines, at its sole discretion, that any these Terms of Use have been violated. Upon termination, you agree that SAH may immediately deactivate any password it has issued to you and bar you from accessing the SAH Resources or the Website.


SAH does not guarantee or warrant that the content available in the SAH resources/website is accurate, complete, non-infringing, or legally accessible in your jurisdiction, and you agree that you are solely responsible for abiding by all laws and regulations that may be applicable to the viewing of the content. In addition, the SAH resources are provided to you on an as-is and as-available basis. You agree that your use of the website and the resources is at your sole risk. You understand and agree that SAH makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, reliability, or usefulness of the content in the resources, that the website or the resources will meet your requirements, that access to the resources will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free, or that defects, if any, will be corrected. We make no warranty of any kind, either express or implied.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless SAH and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, officers, directors, and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, claims, damages, costs, and/or actions (including attorneys’ fees) arising from your use of SAH’s services, the site, or the SAH resources. You agree that this Agreement is governed by Illinois law and that any suit arising from this Agreement will be brought in Chicago, Illinois, and you further agree that on the election and reasonable notice of either party any litigation shall be referred to arbitration pursuant to the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure. In addition, you agree that should any provision in the Agreement be found invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, that provision shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.


Under no circumstances, including, without limitation, negligence, shall SAH or its parents, affiliates, officers, employees, or agents be responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from or in connection with the use of or the inability to use the website or the resources, or any content contained on the Website or in the Resources, or resulting from unauthorized access to the Resources or your transmissions of data, including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, use, data, or other intangibles, even if SAH has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so some of the above may not apply to you.

This Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and other policies posted on the website constitute the full and complete agreement between you and SAH and are not intended to inure to third-party beneficiaries.

Please contact us with any comments or questions at info@sah.org.

Last updated 9-24-2012


SAH thanks The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
for its operating support.
Society of Architectural Historians
1365 N. Astor Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610