SAH membership must be current through the conference dates (April 17–21, 2024) to be eligible for the member rate. Registration includes access to 38 paper sessions, Opening Night Social Hour, SAH Business Meeting, Introductory Address, SAH Awards
Celebration, Sekler Talk, and exhibit area.
Registration Rates
Albuquerque | April 17–21 | Early Rate Jan 9–Feb 13 | Standard Rate Feb 14–Apr 21 |
SAH Member (membership valid through April 17, 2024) | $325 USD | $400 USD |
SAH Student Member (membership valid through April 17, 2024) | $168 USD | $243 USD |
New or Renewing SAH Member* | $483 USD | $558 USD |
New or Renewing SAH Member (Reduced Rate or Retired/Emeritus**)* | $420 USD | $495 USD |
New or Renewing Student Member* | $226 USD | $301 USD |
*Includes a one-year digital membership. If you'd like a print membership, please join/renew your membership first, then register for the conference separately OR call 312-573-1365 to join/renew and register by phone.
**The Reduced Rate is for individuals who are working independently or at an institution without full-time employment. This includes adjunct and contingent faculty who experience precarious employment, and part-time and unemployed workers. The Retired/Emeritus
rate is for those aged 65+ who are no longer employed.